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Dry mouth - what to do?

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition in which the oral cavity does not receive an adequate supply of saliva. Saliva plays a crucial role in oral health, as it not only cleans teeth but also plays a key role in digestion, protection against tooth decay, and general oral hygiene.

The effects of a dry mouth are diverse and range from an unpleasant feeling in the mouth and difficulty swallowing to disturbances in the sense of taste. In this context, proper dental care plays a crucial role in prevention as it alleviates dental problems that can cause dry mouth.

In this context, the question arises: How do we tackle dry mouth, and which dental care products are the right ones in this case? In the following, we will address these questions and highlight various aspects of dental care that are specifically aimed at alleviating diseases that cause dry mouth while promoting overall oral health.

Dry mouth causes & symptoms

Dry mouth is a condition in which saliva production in the mouth is reduced. This reduction can be due to various causes and is often accompanied by different symptoms.

Dry mouth causes

Caries (tooth decay)

Caries itself attacks the teeth and gradually destroys the tooth structure. However, dry mouth does not result directly from tooth decay, but indirectly, through acid production by bacteria, pain when chewing, or as a possible trigger for mouth breathing.

People for whom advanced tooth decay causes pain when chewing may avoid certain foods that are responsible for healthy saliva production.

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)

Gingivitis can cause dry mouth by triggering an inflammatory reaction in the mouth. The inflammation leads to an increased release of certain substances that impair the flow of saliva. At the same time, pain or discomfort may occur when chewing or speaking, which in turn causes those affected to produce less saliva.

Disturbed oral flora

A disturbed bacterial balance in the oral cavity can contribute to dry mouth. A lack of certain bacteria that normally contribute to saliva production can reduce the amount of saliva.

Side effects of medications

Some medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and blood pressure medications, can cause dry mouth as a side effect. In this case, you should consult your doctor in order to find a suitable solution.

Systemic diseases

Certain diseases, such as diabetes or Sjögren's syndrome, can have dry mouth as a symptom. Here too, commercially available dental care products are almost powerless and can only be used as a support. It is important to discuss the side effects with your doctor and take the prescribed measures.

Breathing problems

Increased mouth breathing, for example, if you snore or have respiratory problems, can increase dry mouth. Good diagnostics and treatment of the symptoms are needed to relieve dry mouth.

Aging process

With age, saliva production often decreases, which can lead to increased dry mouth.

Hormonal changes

Hormones have an influence on saliva production. Changes in saliva flow can occur particularly during hormonal changes, such as during menopause or pregnancy. Hormonal fluctuations can affect the activity of the salivary glands and lead to reduced saliva production, which in turn causes dry mouth.

Accompanying symptoms of dry mouth

Dry feeling in the mouth

A constant feeling of dry mouth that does not go away even after drinking.

Difficulty swallowing

Dry mucous membranes make it difficult to swallow, which can lead to discomfort.

Burning tongue

A burning or tingling sensation on the tongue may indicate a dry mouth.

Changes in taste sensation           

Decreased saliva flow can affect taste and result in a metallic or bitter taste.

Identifying the causes and accompanying symptoms of dry mouth allows for the precise selection of dental care products. Products specifically designed for people with this condition help relieve symptoms and support oral health. However, individual needs and causes should be discussed with a dentist to ensure targeted and effective care.

Special dental and oral care products to combat dry mouth

As we have now learned, dry mouth can have a variety of causes. That's why it's important to first find out the specific cause and then choose special dental care. Dry mouth can be caused by decayed teeth, inflammation of the gums, or a disturbed oral flora. These are diagnoses that, in the best-case scenario, you can prevent in advance through proper care or alleviate at the first signs. Of course, if you have tooth decay, you have to go to the dentist immediately. We therefore recommend that you have regular check-ups at the dentist so that tooth decay cannot cause any damage.

During hormonal changes, when taking medication, or during the aging process, it is important to consult a doctor and take appropriate medical measures in the event of dry mouth. Here, good dental care alone is no longer enough.

Dry mouth toothpaste

Basically, a toothpaste for dry mouth should contain mild active ingredients, free of irritating substances. Moisturizing components such as hyaluronic acid or valuable vitamins E and B12 are particularly beneficial and effective. Hyaluronic acid is a real moisture booster and gives the sensitive gums new elasticity and vitality.

Since various dental and oral diseases can cause dry mouth, we'll next take a closer look at toothpastes that can either prevent, effectively combat, or at least alleviate the cause.

Toothpaste for gingivitis

An effective toothpaste to combat gum inflammation should generally be anti-inflammatory and have an antibacterial effect in order to quickly relieve inflammation in the mouth and prevent renewed irritation. 

The MINT Paro+ line was specially developed to effectively combat and prevent gum problems. The Paro+ toothpaste offers extremely thorough cleaning of the teeth with ultra-low abrasion and supports the health of your gums across the board. It relieves inflammation with valuable allantoin and chamomile extract and provides a super-fresh mouth feeling with menthol and eucalyptol. 

Click here for the MINT Paro+ toothpaste , the ultimate gum care!

Toothpaste against disturbed oral flora

A disturbed oral flora can also indirectly lead to dry mouth. You can quickly notice an imbalance in your bacterial balance by the unpleasant smell in your mouth, which is caused by the products of the bad bacteria. A toothpaste whose active ingredients are able to balance the bacterial balance is crucial here. A toothpaste like this, an oral probiotic, so to speak, that does what it promises, is difficult to find.

That's why we're very pleased that, after years of research, we can make such a product available. With the groundbreaking MINT Biotic line, we have achieved a breakthrough and, thanks to the innovative SymReboot technology, developed an oral probiotic that regulates the bacterial balance naturally, gently, effectively, and sustainably. This active ingredient does nothing other than promote the good bacteria so that they can gradually displace the bad ones. This makes it possible to neutralize the harmful bacteria without aggressive substances and eliminates annoying bad breath.

MINT Biotic toothpaste for a healthy oral flora balance and to effectively neutralize bad breath. Discover now!

Toothpaste to prevent tooth decay

You can easily prevent tooth decay with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. However, once the tooth decay is there, a dentist has to treat it. Toothpastes with fluoride only offer preventive protection against tooth decay and cannot reverse existing tooth decay.

The MINT toothpaste with fluoride also works with the innovative active ingredient hydroxyapatite, which strengthens and sustainably protects tooth enamel. With this toothpaste, you can enjoy double caries protection and high cleaning performance with the MINT-known low abrasion value. This means that your teeth not only remain free of caries, but also radiantly bright, fresh, and well-groomed.

MINT toothpaste with fluoride , strong caries protection, and the highest cleaning performance!

Intensive treatment gum serum

To go even further, it is always advisable to partially support the gums if necessary. A true moisture booster is hyaluronic acid, which provides the sensitive gums with a lot of moisture and strengthens them in the long term.

MINT Hyaluronic Gum Serum, discover now!

Mouthwash for dry mouth

Mild, alcohol-free mouthwashes are an effective option to prevent dry mouth and protect oral health. These mouthwashes contain gentle ingredients that moisturize and support the oral flora without affecting saliva flow. Using alcohol-free formulas avoids drying out of the mucous membranes, which is particularly important when dry mouth is a problem. Such mouthwashes help maintain an optimal pH level in the mouth, reduce harmful bacteria, and therefore minimize the risk of tooth decay and gum problems. Regular use of mild alcohol-free mouthwashes can therefore be an effective addition to the daily oral care routine to promote oral health and relieve dry mouth.

At MINT we have an effective mouthwash for every need. Take a look around and choose your mouthwash with a focus on gums, teeth whitening, oral flora, or simply sensationally fresh breath.

MINT mouthwashes, discover the right mouthwash for your needs now!

Adapted toothbrushes and dental floss

Using appropriate toothbrushes and flossing plays a central role in dental care for people with dry mouths. These specially developed products are designed to gently clean teeth while minimizing possible irritation that can arise from reduced saliva production.

Toothbrushes with soft bristles

Toothbrushes with soft to medium-hard bristles offer gentle cleaning of the teeth without irritating the gums. This is particularly important for people with dry mouths, as sensitive gums are more susceptible to irritation due to reduced moisture.

Gentle removal of plaque

Despite the softness of the bristles, these toothbrushes are effective at removing plaque and food particles, minimizing the risk of dental problems.

Dental floss for gentle cleaning between the teeth

Special dental floss, suitable for people with dry mouths, provides gentle cleaning between the teeth. This is important to remove plaque and bacteria, even in hard-to-reach areas. A suitable mouthwash also reaches hard-to-reach areas and frees them of harmful bacteria.

Avoiding injuries

The floss is designed to be effective without hurting the gums. This is particularly relevant because dry mouth tissue is more susceptible to injury.

Tips for use

When using adapted toothbrushes, it is advisable to apply only gentle pressure to protect the gums. The use of dental floss and a soft toothbrush should be carried out consistently, ideally in the morning and evening, as well as after meals.

Dietary approaches to dry mouth

Dietary approaches play a significant role in managing dry mouth by targeting dietary habits and supplements to promote saliva production and lubricate the mouth.

Water-rich foods

Incorporating water-rich foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables, helps support the body's fluid balance. Cucumbers, watermelon, and apples are good examples of water-rich foods that help lubricate the mouth.

Avoidance of irritating substances

It is important to be aware of certain foods and drinks that could further dry out your mouth. These include, for example, spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, and products containing caffeine.

Dietary supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil or flaxseed oil, have anti-inflammatory properties and help promote saliva production.

Vitamin C

Foods or supplements rich in vitamin C support gum health while improving oral moisture.

Instructions for implementation

Balanced nutrition

A balanced diet that takes into account the body's needs not only contributes to overall health but can also have positive effects on dry mouth.

Consultation with the specialist

We recommend that you consult a doctor before taking dietary supplements and, if necessary, select the right substances based on a blood count, taking individual circumstances into account, and take them at the recommended dosage.

Our conclusion on the topic: dry mouth - what to do?

Considering the challenges and impacts of dry mouth, targeted care measures can play a critical role in improving quality of life and oral health. From specially formulated dental care products such as moisturizing toothpastes and toothbrushes with soft bristles to special mouthwashes, these solutions not only offer effective cleaning but also targeted moisture support and have a preventive effect against moisture-reducing dental diseases.

Considering dietary approaches, adapted eating habits, and nutritional supplements opens up a holistic perspective to promote saliva production and alleviate the unpleasant feeling of dryness. Individual coordination with the dentist is essential to ensure optimal care.

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